living proof live, final

Catch up here: part 1, part 2, & part 3

So by this time, we were well into Saturday morning....and had 3 reverbs left. 

Re-Verb #4: REPLANT
>sowing in to carnality versus Spirt
where are you most vulnerable? SOW SEEDS THERE.

Paid a visit to Luke 8 & the parable of the sower....where the Word of God is the seed
Paid a visit to Isaiah 55 and the parallel of water to the Word of God

Re-Verb #5: REPENT
>embrace the beauty of repentance
You can not out sin the grace of God!!!!

There was an alter call at this time, where anyone who felt a stirring of the Holy Spirit or felt led, could come down & pray with someone. Beth then led everyone through a sinner's prayer of receiving Christ, and asked ALL in the auditorium to participate as a memorium. 

The last reverb....
Re-Verb #6: REMEMBER
>remember what you need to forget

Paid a visit to 2 Timothy 2:8 and Luke 17:32

The conference wrapped up with a commission. I have only been to 2 conferences of Beth Moore's and she did something similar at both. It's her way of getting us to remember what we gleaned, and APPLY it once we leave. 

I got to experience this conference with my mom....and I loved every second!

Have you ever attended a Beth Moore conference or Bible study?
Have you ever attended any faith based conference?

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