Showing posts with label maternity style. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maternity style. Show all posts

dressing the bump

I have found a hidden gem for maternity wear! I am loving this little online boutique!!!

MattyB was reviewing our credit card statement & politely asked: "what's this Pink Blush store?". I replied with "only the best maternity shop!".
MB: What's so special about it?
Me: No one else I know is shopping there, plus I can look cute in their stuff - not the normal frumpy maternity wear!
MB: eye roll

Thought I would share 2 styles I picked up recently.
I know, my photog skills are still uber amazing. Be jelly.

Bracelets 1, 2, 3

Sorry for my absence lately. Chasing a toddler & being 22 weeks prego has left me all kinds of brainless. Seriously. Hours of Sesame Street is really frying my brain. I caught myself watching it well after Beau had gone down for his nap.

22 weeks down....