Showing posts with label momsanity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label momsanity. Show all posts


A dear friend turned me on to this fabulous program - MomSanity

It is all encompassing (obviously geared towards moms) but they cover workouts, nutrition, and your faith. I absolutely ADORE the concept.

MomSanity is comprised of 3 beauties: Debbie Wilkins, Kate Horney, and Emily Saunders. Read more on them here:

What I love is that they have CREDENTIALS! They actually know about & were educated on, the topics that they discuss.

Debbie's Bio: Having children did a number on my body and eating a teenage boy’s diet wasn’t helping my jeans zip.  That’s where Emily came in, 2 years ago.  She taught  me about nutrition and exercise in a way that was so new and exciting and made sense!  I was on board!  I have done a 180 with what I put in my mouth and how I work out and it makes me feel so healthy and fit.  I am so thankful God had such high standards for me.  I am now a certified Metabolic Effect (ME) Personal Trainer and a certified ME Group Instructor.  Check out my Fitting in Fitness and Nutrition blog for more information.

Kate's Bio: In addition to being a wife and new mom, I’m also a Metabolic Effect Fat Loss Coach, an Entrepreneur and a Personal Trainer with a degree in Exercise Physiology.

Emily's Bio: She is a Metabolic Effect Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach and Group Fitness trainer with a passion for helping others attain and SUSTAIN the fat loss lifestyle.  She holds a BS in Business from Wake Forest University and loves finding new and creative ways to share the fat loss lifestyle with others.  Emily is excited to share her journey with other new and not so new Moms trying to achieve true balance. As a reformed “cardio queen” she enjoys sharing quick and effective workouts with Moms who struggle to “do it all”.
Aren't they SO cute?!?
From the left: Emily, Kate, & Debbie

I've been tracking their program for a few weeks now - I think it's awesome.
They refer to it as "Momsanity Sisterhood".

There's much more you can read about with this program, but here's what stuck out on their blog:
Our goal for the Momsanity Sisterhood is to create a unique place where Moms can struggle and grow together while putting God first and balancing family, personal goals and a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.  

They go on to explain:
We will give you the content and the tools that you need for success like Mom-focused-quick-and-effective-do-anywhere-workouts with a Coach in your ear encouraging you along the way, nutrition information that you can use to create your own personalized plan and goals, weekly recipesbi-weekly videos focusing on changing old habits and/or establishing new healthier ones, a monthly Bible verse that we will memorize together, a prayer calendar that will help all of us prioritize our time with the Lord, and an exclusive Facebook page where you can tell all, ask all, cry the blues, celebrate small victories, share your prayer requests and praises and much much more with your adopted sisters by your side. 

 If you're looking for accountability & a lifestyle change - check them out! Even if this is not up your alley, I do encourage you to really investigate the author of that new fad diet book or the "trainer" of that new workout regimen. Stay educated on who these people are & be conscientious of their credentials. If they are an MD of Gynecology telling you how to eat, you might want to look elsewhere ;)