new year, new you, new me

I love that every year is the chance to start a new 365 page book (with the occasional extra page thrown in every 4 years).

While this post is on the 14th of the month - not the first - I'd still like to take the time to relish in the fact that it is a NEW year.

We rung in the New Year with our 'chosen family' - a term we so lovingly use to refer to our friends. A night of pajamas & games & babies. Gone are the years of those glamorous New Year's Eve events.....

Wait. When did that ever happen???

So to make it official, I'm sharing with YOU my 10 goals for the year....

1. A monthly date night with my MattyB
2. A promotion with my company (I've been thisclose for 6's going to happen!)
3. De-cluttering my house - - why on earth do we have 6 suitcases when we really only ever use 2???
4. Standing up for myself & my family of 3 - if you are poison to us, sorry but you're "outta here"
5. Potty training Mr. Beau.....ugh, kinda dreading this one!
6. Praying MORE - my first step was getting this book - I'm ashamed to admit my prayer life is lacking
7. Ridding my house of processed food - - MattyB & I did this back in 2011 & it was amazing. Between then & now, we of course have backslidden & now it's time to crack the whip!
8. Saying 'no' to more of the things that really don't matter, and 'yes' to more of the things that do! (Amen?)
9. Getting happy & positive - such a weird one, I know, but am I the only one that finds that it takes a million nice things/compliments to elicit happiness and one negative person/comment to steal all the joy?
10. Running again. I miss it. I miss the medals. It's time.

Have a tip? Word of encouragement? Want to share yours??
Please leave a comment & do so!
Happy New Year! Make it your BEST yet!!!

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